2.Workshop for Historical Harps 18th - 20th July 2014 in Rangendingen
The workshop place is in Southwest Germany, 72414 Rangendingen
"Schmiedehof" National-Treasure Building.
"Schmiedehof" is home and workshop of Eric Kleinmann, Historical Harpmaker
Atsuko Kleinmann Musician
Workshop 1: Medieval- and Gothic Harps, Beginner
Workshop 2: Gothic- and Renaissance-Harp, Advanced
Workshop 3: Arpa Doppia & Tripleharps, Beginner
Some harps for lend
Start at Fridayafternoon, End Sunnday Noon.
Over Night and Breakfast in Gueshouse "Rössle" next house.
Rangendingen you can good reach by air, train, bus or car.
Airport is Stuttgart, 40 minutes, Railwaystation is Hechingen, 9 minutes
Airport is Stuttgart, 40 minutes, Railwaystation is Hechingen, 9 minutes
Service from Railwaystation or Airport by Eric
Informations, Conditons
www.eric-harps.de/workshop (German Version)
or e-mail: eric.harps"at" t-online.de
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